Water & Testing

Understanding and testing your water parameters are essential for successful betta fish keeping, as bettas are a lot less tolerant to the dirty water than you may have heard!

Featured Articles

I have a fish and I haven’t cycled!

If at all possible, cycle your tank without a fish in it! But sometimes it’s unavoidable, so this guide will help you carry out a fish-in cycle with minimal harm to your fish

How to test water

This is a guide to what you should be testing your water for, why. and how best to test it

Weekly Tank Maintenance

These simple steps on a weekly basis will keep your tank clean, your water perfect, and your fish healthy!

Water Hardness Problems

Water hardness is the amount of calcium and magnesium salts in your water, and varies depending on location.

Nitrate Problems

Ammonia is dangerous in any level to a betta fish, and is a commonly found chemical in an aquarium that needs to be tested for regularly

Phosphate Problems

Phopshates aren’t harmful to your fish directly, but they do encourage algae growth

Chlorine Problems

Chlorine is present in most tap water, so it’s essential to treat it with de-chlorinator before you add any water to your aquarium, of fish to your tank.

pH Problems

A safe pH for a betta fish is between 6.5 and 8, which is around the neutral area.

Water Care

If you can make sure that the water your betta fish is living in is healthy, clean and clear, you’ve done most of the hard work to keep them happy!

Nitrite Problems

Nitrite is a harmful chemical that often follows on the heels of an ammonia spike, and can cause your fish to struggle to breathe

Ammonia Problems

Ammonia is dangerous in any level to a betta fish, and is a commonly found chemical in an aquarium that needs to be tested for regularly

Water Testing Kits

There are a range of different types of test kit, but here are a few highly recommended ones to keep an eye on your water parameters

Cycling a tank to a deadline

I too sat down, laying the spear between us, and tried to explain how I came to Pellucidar, and wherefrom, but it was as impossible for him to grasp or believe the strange tale I told him as I fear it is for you upon the outer crust to believe in the existence of the…

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