Welcome to a safe spot for lovers of Betta Splendens or the Siamese Fighting Fish!

Skye, a blue and yellow halfmoon plakat dumbo.

I brought home my first betta fish six years ago, and I’ve learnt a lot since then. I created this site to share everything I know about keeping betta fish happy and healthy, so that nobody has to learn through mistakes!

Where would you like to start?

Sickly fish?

Try our fish diagnoses support. Go >

First time betta owner?

Everything you need to know from scratch! Go >

Make my betta happier!

If you have a betta fish but you think he or she could be happier, try browsing for inspiration. Go >


What kind of tank?

Not sure what kind of tank you need for a happy betta fish? Here are some notes on what you need to consider.

Water Care

If you can make sure that the water your betta fish is living in is healthy, clean and clear, you’ve done most of the…

The saddest story of the betta is how many misconceptions there are about what they will tolerate. I’ll be happy if I can make even one fish healthier!

Here are some common betta myths, clarified:

Bettas don’t need clean water…

Just because they can put up with dirty water, doesn’t mean they’re happy in it!

Lady bettas love to be together…

This one’s not a simple true or false! It all depends on the ladies…

5 Things to know before you get a betta

Please read these 5 basics!

Plant roots are enough for a betta to live on…

Definitely not true! Betta fish mostly eat insects in the wild, and they can’t survive on plant roots.

Room temperature is enough…

It really depends on the room to be honest! Betta NEED 25-26 degrees C, or they’re likely to get ill.

Bettas love small spaces…

While they live in the shallows, they still have room to roam.



Betta Colour Change

Is your betta changing colour? This could be a warning sign, but it could also be completely harmless!

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