Tank decor and plants

Styling your tank can be exciting and engaging – and it’s easier to grow live plants than you think!

Featured Articles

Beginner Plants!

Live plants in an aquarium doesn’t have to be as difficult as it sounds! Just look for plants that are tough and easy to grow at first, so that you can make your…

Live or Fake Plants?

Designing and planting an aquarium is a good way to get creative and create a real landscape, whether you want to choose live plants or fake ones

Natural Wood Decor

Natural wood is a beautiful thing to have in your tank, and has lots of places to rest and hide for a betta fish, but make sure you consider which woods release tannins into your water

Betta Beds

Betta need somewhere to sleep, and its always nicer to have somewhere higher up and soft than to sleep on gravel!

Live Plant Friendly Substrates

If you want to have happy healthy plants, you should look at getting a plant-friendly substrate that can supply them with nutrients.

Substrates & Gravel

Bettas like to have something interesting to look out down at the bottom of the tank as well as around them! Substrates are materials such as sand, gravel, and plant-friendly aquarium soils.

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