Fish Illness Image Diagnoser

We might love them, but if you’re not very experienced with fish or bettas, it’s really hard to be certain if they’re not doing well – they don’t exactly have puppy dog eyes to tell if they’re suffering! I really struggled to find images to diagnose with and mostly encountered just descriptions, so I’ve done my best to pull together some image evidence to help people spot any visual issues with their pets.

The ill and healthy images below are NOT the same fish, as it is difficult to find photos like this – they are similar fish to help highlight the differences in visible problems

Fin/Tail loss with dark, curled edges

Sudden fin/tail loss with clean or jagged edges

Peppery white fuzz/dots

White fluffy patches like mould

Inflated/Bloated with ‘pinecone’ scales

Swollen eye/s or grey eye/s

Dusty ‘gold’ or rust patches

Potbelly/bulging belly

Trouble swimming/sinking/floating

Visible white ‘tags’ attached to the body

Changes of colour or patches of colour

If you only do one thing for your betta, look after their water! Dirty water causes a weakened fish and is the root of most problems.

A-Z of Illnesses

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