Betta Happiness Inspiration!

If you’ve got your water quality sorted and your betta is healthy, maybe you’re just looking to change things up a bit?

A betta fish has a limited view out of their tank and they can get used to the contents very quickly, so doing something different or adding a new feature can keep them from getting bored!

Betta fish are interaction and food driven, so scroll down to see what you could do to make their day better.

How to spice up your space

Try a new style or theme in your tank!

Upgrade your tank to something larger?

Give some live plants a go if you’ve note tried them!

Instead of ‘filling’ an aquarium, why don’t you design it! There are some absolutely amazing designs for aquariums out there, which I’ve saved a few of below to see if it could inspire anyone! But don’t forget, you can create something really special any unique without live plants too, if you have never tried them.

Spend some more time with your buddy?

Have you ever tried to train a fish?

Get him/her a new toy!

Hand feed for a bit more interaction

Treats, treats, treats!

Buy them a new food they’ve never had before

Try feeding them some live food for fun

Keep varying and rotating their food so they don’t get bored

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